Better at Home

Asian senior man planting the flowers tree in the garden, Agriculture and farming concept

North Shore Better at Home enhances seniors’ well-being and independence by providing a selection of non-medical services.

The North Shore Better at Home program is open to residents of the North Shore who are 65 years and over or who are between the ages of 55-64 and on disability assistance. To be eligible, a resident must be living independently and not in private or publicly subsidized assisted living or a long term care home.  We provide assistance with the following:

  • Grocery pick-up and delivery
  • Prescription pick-up and delivery
  • Prepared meal pick-up and delivery
  • Light yard work service
  • Minor home repair service
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Friendly visiting
  • Light housekeeping service

A formal intake assessment is required to determine program eligibility. Fees may apply based on a sliding scale that depends on an individual’s or couple’s annual net income. Friendly visiting services by volunteers are free of charge. Please note that an eligible resident may be placed on a waitlist depending on the service requested and the availability of volunteers.

Apply for Better at Home

Interested in Better at Home on Bowen Island? Click the button below to learn more.

Better at Home on Bowen


Watch the video below to see a bit of what we do:

Thank you so much for all that you are doing to help those of us who are finding it challenging for getting about. I cannot tell you how thankful and grateful I am for the kindness of your heart for your services. 

Better at Home Client

Updates and Resources

If you would like more information about the Better at Home Program, click here.

If you would like a more detailed description of Better at Home Program services, click here.

For a detailed description of Better at Home Program services in Farsi, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Better at Home service free?

Depending on your annual total income (Line 15000 on your federal tax return), this service may be free or a sliding fee scale may apply. Friendly visiting services are provided by volunteers for free. Contact us for more information.

How do I apply?

Contact us at 604-985-7138 or email to get an intake form or fill out and submit and intake form available here (see contact information below).

How do I request a service? Can I reach out to volunteers directly?

We ask that all Better at Home members please connect with the program staff to request a service. Please do not connect with volunteers directly. Please call 604-982-3313 or email to speak with a staff member and submit a request.

How much time do program administrators need to find a volunteer for a service?

We do require advance notice if you would like to request any of our services. For grocery, delivery, and transportation, we require at least 3-5 days notice. For minor home repairs, and light yard work, please call as soon as possible. Our services are delivered by volunteers and contingent upon their availability.

I need some help with light housekeeping. How soon can this start?

Our subsidized housekeeping program is full and has a waitlist. However, we are currently taking names to add to the waitlist. If you do not qualify for a subsidy or are willing to pay the unsubsidized rate while on the waitlist, you may be eligible to receive the service sooner. Please call us for details.


Judy Stott
Better at Home Program Lead

Clara Gatien
Better at Home Intake Coordinator

Erica Booth
Better at Home Services Coordinator

Aseman Bolourchi
Better at Home Services Coordinator

Farsi available upon request.

Thank You

North Shore Better at Home is made possible with the support of United Way and donors like you.