Community Connectors


Our Seniors Community Connector program provides personal, one-on-one outreach to vulnerable seniors in our community.

Using the principles of Social Prescribing, we help to address the many social constituents of health and support the healthcare system by addressing the social needs that cannot always be tackled in a medical setting. This work does not replace the role of case workers and social workers, but exists alongside these professions where more time is needed to personally address each individual’s needs. Our areas of support may include help with benefit forms, access to meal programs, connection to In Home supports and community programs, and advocacy.

Our clients are seniors who need support to empower their efforts towards improved well-being. The scope of this program includes supportive advocacy, coaching, resource referrals, community connectivity suggestions, and encouragement. The Connector listens carefully to the senior’s story and then works with them to co-develop a plan to address the areas that really matter to them. The Connector provides resources and connections where needed as well as critical support and follow-up to promote further independence.

We have a long-term, well-developed Seniors One Stop Navigation Center through which we have many resources and connections to draw from. What’s more, we produce and distribute a number of print and online materials designed for local seniors. Those resources include the North Shore Seniors Directory in partnership with North Shore News, the popular In-home Service List and many more!

Our goal is to provide client-focused support to seniors in need, whether it be emotional, financial, physical, and/or social. We offer time to hear their stories and extend compassionate help where we can. We assist in their setting of achievable goals to improve their connection to community and sense of overall well-being.

Our mission is to promote and assist prolonged independence and overall wellness of seniors in the community.

Although I do support a few favourite charities, my most rewarding experience is my time spent as a volunteer at NSCR which is committed to helping others.

NSCR Volunteer


Social Prescribing Pathway: The Current State of Social Prescribing in Canada

To learn more about North Shore Better at Home, NSCR’s program that provides a variety of non-medical services to assist you to live independently in your home, click here.

To learn more about NSCR’s Caregiver Support Program, which supports people in informal caregiving roles, click here.

To learn more about NSCR’s Seniors One Stop program, which provides information and referral services as well as one-to-one consultations, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is social prescribing?

A Social Prescribing program supplements the medical aspects of health with non-medical supports and programs to assist vulnerable seniors achieve better overall wellness. Medical professionals can refer their willing patient to a Social Prescribing Community Connector who will provide client-centered and compassionate time and focus to connect that new client with whatever supports and community connection they might be needing.

What types of supports can a Community Connector help with?
  • Applications for below-market housing and rent supplement program (SAFER)
  • Access to food programs
  • Ensuring receipt of all federal benefits
  • Referring to in-home care supports and our Better at Home program
  • Advocacy for special needs
  • Physical, social, recreational programs (and company as a “buddy” for first visit)
  • Mental health resources
  • Volunteering opportunities
  • … and whatever else might be beneficial depending on a client’s unique needs and circumstances.
How do I access the Community Connector program?

Most referrals can come through medical professionals or by contacting us below.


Kathy Jarvis
Coordinator, Seniors One Stop and Seniors Community Connector Program

SOS Volunteers
Available Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-4:30PM