Our program offers support to caregivers so you can maintain your own resilience, health and well-being.
Stepping into a caregiving role is often a life-altering experience. Caregiving takes courage, patience, and endurance. It can be a challenging and lonely role.
Fortunately, you are not alone. North Shore Community Resources’ Caregiver Support Program, is here to help you gain knowledge, strength, and inspiration that allows you to connect with other caregivers. Our Caregiver Support Program hosts support groups and workshops, one-on-one consultations in person, by telephone and online as well as referrals to health care and community services. We offer stress management strategies and relaxation techniques, informative blog posts, a resource library, and a bi-monthly newsletter.
We also offer our Peer-2-Peer service* which focuses more on 1-1 support for caregivers. If you feel you would benefit from this service, please contact us.
*We are grateful for the amazing response of volunteers to our Peer-2-Peer (previously called Caregiver Coach) Program. New applications to volunteer for this program are on hold until further notice. However, if you feel like you could use 1-1 support, or are interested in finding out about other ways to volunteer with the Caregiver Support Program, please contact Vic Gailiunas, Caregiver Support Program Coordinator: vic.gailiunas@nscr.ca
All of our services are free and confidential. We are here to support you on your caregiving journey.
Thank you for hosting the caregiver support meeting, and bringing the group together this evening. I came into the meeting feeling anxious and heavy, and left feeling welcomed and supported – it’s good to know I’m not alone.
Caregiver Support Client
Frequently Asked Questions
Registration is free and your personal information will remain confidential. To register, please fill our registration form and return it to vic.gailiunas@nscr.ca
Currently, our support groups are held in-person or on Zoom. You can join our Zoom meetings using your desktop computer, tablet, smartphone, or landline. We will send you an invitation to the meetings via email roughly one week prior to the meeting. This email will include the date and time of the meeting, the meeting ID number and password, as well as instructions for joining the meeting using your telephone. For in-person meetings in our Community Room we will also send out reminders. To check on the status of a meeting, please contact the Program Coordinator.
Our caregiver support group offers a space where you can connect with other caregivers who can relate to what you are going through. At the beginning of each meeting, participants are encouraged (though not obligated) to share their caregiving experiences with the group. The second half of the meeting is devoted to various topics and resources related to caregiving, peer support, and discussing strategies for caregiver challenges.