Caregiver Workshop: Caregivers Need Care Too

Ideally, we would take care of ourselves like we take care of loved ones. But sometimes this feels like an impossible task. What do we do then? How do we carve out the time and energy to take care of ourselves?

Clarifying limits and maintaining healthy boundaries are a crucial component of self-care. Lack of boundaries can lead to fatigue, resentment, anger, burnout and more. To balance demands, we need to add resources to our own health in the same way we deposit money into our bank accounts, fill our gas tanks and recharge our phone batteries.

Learning objectives:

  • Why is boundary setting important for caregivers?
  • How do I identify my boundaries?
  • How do I set and maintain healthy boundaries?

Dr. Melanie Badali is an award winning clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience working as a psychotherapist, researcher, and educator. At the North Shore Stress and Anxiety Clinic, she helps people optimize their personal and professional potential using science-based strategies. A committed mental health advocate, she believes everyone should have access to mental health information and services. After serving on the Board of Directors for Anxiety Canada for 8 years, she is now on the Scientific Advisory Committee. She enjoys sharing what she knows about psychology through writing, public speaking, and media communication.